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Hydropower in the Peruvian raw materials industry

  • Health and safety
  • Land-use planning
  • Permitting processes / policy integration
  • Reporting official statistics
  • Socio-economic and environmental impact assessments

Challenge the practice is addressing: This practice addresses the growing energy needs in the extraction and processing of raw materials in Peru and uses concepts and technologies for harnessing and integrating hydroelectric hydropower potentials in open pit mines. Hydropower has been of importance in Peru as an inexpensive and reliable source of energy but its share of national electricity generation has fallen due to subsidies for natural gas production. The use of hydropower in the mining industry could increase in the share.

Concrete practice to achieve the expected goal: The practice aims to process water in medium and large raw material extraction operations, natural surface waters near mining operations and above ground mine water released by raw material extraction processes. Using these areas of application will help to investigate the technological potential and possible uses and to eventually develop a concept for the exploitation of hydroelectric potentials in raw material extraction.

Expected impact/goal of the practice: The local hydropower will reduce the burden of power grids, expand the infrastructure and reduce interference with nature. Additionally, the regional supply of electricity from sustainable sources will continue after the end of the project. This practice presents a comprehensive solution approach for the exploitation of hydroelectric potentials in raw material extraction.

Who is the target user group of the practice/intervention or implementing the practice/intervention? This practice is mainly relevant for the industry.

"SmartH₂OEnergy Development of Concepts for the Utilisation of Hydroelectric Hydropower Potential of Raw Material Extraction Operations"
Data item type
Knowledge base
Practice type
Learning relevance
Guidelines / guidance document
Unspecified (universally applicable)
Extractive life-cycle
Pre-exploitation / development stage (e.g. feasibility study)
Exploitation phase
Post-exploitation phase (i.e. rehabilitation)
Sustainability scope
Role and indicators for an inclusive Green Economy
Benefit sharing
Planning beyond the mine life
Shared vision partnerships
Water stewardship
Carbon neutrality
Efficient energy consumption