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Cornwall Mining Alliance to enhance networking

  • Health and safety
  • Land-use planning
  • Permitting processes / policy integration
  • Reporting official statistics
  • Socio-economic and environmental impact assessments

Challenge the practice is addressing: Cornwall Mining Alliance was developed to facilitate contact and networking opportunities for export, innovation and business expansion in the field of extractives. Prior to this initiative there was no obvious point of contact for businesses in extractives field to contact for networking purposes.

Concrete practice to achieve the expected goal: The Cornwall Mining Alliance works as a connecting actor between the 90 members of the alliance. It also promotes mining related businesses in Cornwall and organises networking activities for members. The Alliance also facilitates communication with the stakeholders when conducting projects such as those funded by the H2020 and Interreg.

Expected impact/goal of the practice: The aim of the Cornwall Mining Alliance is to connect different mining related businesses with each other in the Cornwall region. It facilitates contact and works as a hub between different actors.

Who is the target user group of the practice/intervention or implementing the practice/intervention? The target user group of the practice are businesses in the extractives sector.

REMIX: Cornwall Mining Alliance
Data item type
Knowledge base
Practice type
Report / document
Learning relevance
Case study
Unspecified (universally applicable)
Extractive life-cycle
Pre-exploration (land-use planning)
Pre-exploitation / development stage (e.g. feasibility study)
Exploitation phase
Post-exploitation phase (i.e. rehabilitation)
Sustainability scope
Benefit sharing
Valuing all forms of capital (i.e. natural and social capital)
Shared vision partnerships
Stakeholder engagement
Cultural heritage and FPIC
Holistic management and continuous learning