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Regional innovation scheme for zero waste extraction of critical raw materials

  • Health and safety
  • Land-use planning
  • Permitting processes / policy integration
  • Reporting official statistics
  • Socio-economic and environmental impact assessments

Challenge the practice is addressing: This practice addresses mining tailings and metallurgical heaps in RIS regions and accross Europe. The extraction in these regions presents a valuable resource for the secondary raw material market in Europe but also presents a substantial risk to the environment.

Concrete practice to achieve the expected goal: This project aims to follow the zero-waste paradigm which means that raw materials are extracted and that the residues will be recycled for the construction sector. This will reduce the environmental impact and bring together industry, research, government, general public and environment sectors to increase competitiveness and innovation potential of regional knowledge triangle.

Expected impact/goal of the practice: The expected impact of this practice will be a regional innovative scheme which is based on validated and fact-based data.

Who is the target user group of the practice/intervention or implementing the practice/intervention? This practice is relevant both industry and public policy contexts

"RIS-RECOVER Regional innovation scheme for zero waste extraction of critical raw materials"
Data item type
Knowledge base
Practice type
Public policy
Report / document
Learning relevance
Guidelines / guidance document
Metalliferous minerals
Construction minerals (aggregates)
Extractive life-cycle
Exploitation phase
Post-exploitation phase (i.e. rehabilitation)
Sustainability scope
Extractives' role in closing cycles
Waste management
System change potential
that raw materials are extracted and that the residues will be recycled for the construction sector