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Scrap lead batteries recycled to new raw material

  • Health and safety
  • Land-use planning
  • Permitting processes / policy integration
  • Reporting official statistics
  • Socio-economic and environmental impact assessments

Challenge the practice is addressing: Every year, Boliden Bergsöe recycles lead scrap from the Nordic region, including four million waste batteries. A majority of the produced lead is sold to the battery industry in Europe. In the process of smelting and recycling, Bergsöe helps recycle a finite resource that is crucial to modern society but can be highly toxic if not handled properly.

Concrete practice to achieve the expected goal: Comprehensive systems are used for treating wastewater containing sulphuric acid and for treating clean process air, such as lead-bearing exhaust ventilation and filter dust, which are captured and reused in the production. On site, slag and ash from casting machines and melting pots are reprocessed.

Expected impact/goal of the practice: The expected goal is to minimise the environmental impact of its water discharges and air emissions and to generate excess heat during the smelting process which is used to supply the municipal district heating system.

Who is the target user group of the practice/intervention or implementing the practice/intervention? Extractive industry, especially recycling and material recovery as well as waste treatment sector.

Data item type
Practice base
Practice type
Learning relevance
Case study
Metalliferous minerals
Extractive life-cycle
Post-exploitation phase (i.e. rehabilitation)
Sustainability scope
Extractives' role in closing cycles
Benefit sharing
Planning beyond the mine life
Waste management
Water stewardship
Air emissions
System change potential
minimise the environmental impact of its water discharges and air emissions and to generate excess heat during the smelting process which is used to supply the municipal district heating system.