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Assurance system to ensure the conformity with CEWASTE requirements

  • Health and safety
  • Land-use planning
  • Permitting processes / policy integration
  • Reporting official statistics
  • Socio-economic and environmental impact assessments

Challenge the practice is addressing: To ensure the conformity of facilities with CEWASTE requirements.

Concrete practice to achieve the expected goal: The assurance system operates on three levels; i.e. (i) rules for registered CEWASTE Certification Bodies, (ii) rules to support the auditing of facilities, and (iii) rules to support the review of audit results and the certification decisions.

Expected impact/goal of the practice: The CEWASTE assurance system ensures the conformity of sustainability standards and related chain of custory standards by waste operators and also lays out requirements for certification bodies and procedures to be used by the conformity assessment bodies in the certification process. The CEWASTE Assurance Tool and Manual for Operators is available here: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/820859

Who is the target user group of the practice/intervention or implementing the practice/intervention? Operators, auditors and certification bodies

CEWASTE - project final report, p. 16-17
Data item type
Practice base
Practice type
Report / document
Learning relevance
Guidelines / guidance document
Metalliferous minerals
Extractive life-cycle
Post-exploitation phase (i.e. rehabilitation)
Sustainability scope
Planning beyond the mine life
Role and indicators for an inclusive Green Economy
Waste management
System change potential
The CEWASTE assurance system ensures the conformity of sustainability standards and related chain of custory standards by waste operators and also lays out requirements for certification bodies and procedures to be used by the conformity assessment bodies in the certification process.
The CEWASTE assurance system ensures the conformity of sustainability standards and related chain of custory standards by waste operators and also lays out requirements for certification bodies and procedures to be used by the conformity assessment bodies in the certification process.