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The "Greener Construction" project

  • Health and safety
  • Land-use planning
  • Permitting processes / policy integration
  • Reporting official statistics
  • Socio-economic and environmental impact assessments

Challenge the practice is addressing: The basic idea of Lasselsberger GmbH was to combine nature conservation, e-mobility, photovoltaics and recycling in the "Greener Construction" project and to implement it in a sensible way.

Concrete practice to achieve the expected goal: Nature Protection: The company is supported by the LANIUS, an NGO research association for regional nature conservation. To improve the habitat structure, the following measures have been implemented and are continuously evaluated: (i) establishment of four floating breeding rafts on the quarry ponds, (ii) reduction of wood to improve reed zones for breeding sites, (iii) white-tailed eagle winter feeding, (iv) installation of a winter bird feeding ground, (v) hedge planting, (vi) reforestation concept, (vii) creation of different steep walls for kingfishers, bee-eaters and sand martins, (viii) partial fencing of the ponds so that wildlife is not disturbed when nesting. E-mobility & photovoltaics: The company started to convert its vehicle fleet to e-mobility and plans to produce the majority of the required energy itself. E-cars for the administrative sector and off-road service vehichles for the maintenance of the sand and gravel pits. Additionally a photovoltaic system in the garage is planned at the Wörth plant and on the open water areas of the existing quarry ponds. Recycling: Recycling of construction waste, i.e. asphalt, rubble, broken concrete, to produce high quality recycled building materials. Insertion of own recycled building materials for ready-mixed concrete production. New dry building materials under the brand "CEMIX" - "Klima PROTECT-Beton", which supports the reduction of CO2 by the addition of recycled building materials.

Expected impact/goal of the practice: The company has the intention to ensure high-quality raw materials while protecting the environment.

Who is the target user group of the practice/intervention or implementing the practice/intervention? This practice is for companies in the extractive industries.

UEPG Sustainable Development Award Winner / Lasselsberger GmbH
Data item type
Practice base
Practice type
Repository, resource libraries & toolkits
Learning relevance
Case study
Construction minerals (aggregates)
Extractive life-cycle
Exploitation phase
Post-exploitation phase (i.e. rehabilitation)
Sustainability scope
Role and indicators for an inclusive Green Economy
Planning beyond the mine life
Extractives' role in closing cycles
Stakeholder engagement
Holistic management and continuous learning
Carbon neutrality
Land-use and biodiversity
Waste management
Water stewardship
Air emissions
System change potential
ensure high-quality raw materials while protecting the environment (e-mobility, nature support & protection) / planning beyond mine-life
nature protection & support measurements